Waveshaping Distortion with Tone.js

In the Tone.js library, how would you create a custom audio effect that applies a dynamic waveshaping distortion to an incoming audio signal, allowing the user to control the amount of distortion and the shape of the waveshaping curve using HTML sliders, while ensuring efficient memory management and minimizing audio latency?

Asked by: Team_Jack


const waveshaper = new Tone.WaveShaper();
waveshaper.curve = new Float32Array(1024);

distortionAmountSlider.addEventListener('input', () => {
  waveshaper.oversample = '4x';
  waveshaper.distortion = parseFloat(distortionAmountSlider.value);

curveShapeSlider.addEventListener('input', () => {
  const curve = new Float32Array(1024);
  for (let i = 0; i < curve.length; i++) {
    curve[i] = Math.tanh(parseFloat(curveShapeSlider.value) * ((i / curve.length) * 2 - 1));
  waveshaper.curve = curve;


This concise code uses the Tone.js library to create a waveshaping distortion effect. It sets up the necessary components, including a "Tone.WaveShaper" object and HTML sliders for controlling the distortion amount and curve shape. The code then establishes event listeners for the sliders, updating the corresponding properties of the "waveshaper" accordingly. Finally, it connects the input and output nodes to the "waveshaper" node to complete the audio processing chain.

Answered by: Mr. Hyphen


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